MML Recording Booth

In a Glance

The MML recording booth is located in the Granoff Multimedia Lab and:

two person set up below.
one person set up below.

Setting up the booth

The booth has a small table and a mic stand, both of which can be adjusted to different heights depending on your setup. 

You can adjust:

Microphone is slightly above where you are speaking from

A clip light is provided to help with reading scripts, and the mouse is connected to the outside computer

Recording with Adobe Audition

The booth and microphone can be used with any DAW or audio software, but because the MML uses Adobe Audition software for podcasting, we will be sharing to set up a project in Audition. If you are unfamiliar with Adobe Audition, we recommend taking our podcast editing tutorial first

Using the Templates

We provide two templates you can use based on a one or two-person setup, Solo and Producer respectively. While they aren't required to use, they are designed to quickly get you started with some good basic setting.

Solo Template 

This template is best used by a single person recording a voice-over by themselves. 

    • Input monitoring allows you to hear yourself while recording and during playback. If hearing yourself bothers you while recording, you can toggle the "I" button to off

Producer Template

This template is used by a team, one person producing the recording and the other as the recording talent. The producer track in the project, when active, allows for the talent to hear them through the booth headphones

Set up for Recording Booth track

Set up for Producer Track

When both tracks are armed and enabled, ("R" + "I") then the producer and talent will be able to communicate clearly through their headphones. 
Toggle the "R" and "I" buttons on the producer track to turn on and off talk back between the producer and the talent

Setting the recording Levels (door closed)

Setting the levels will be easier with a producer/friend helping but can be done on your own.Here are some recommended steps to take regardless of what software you are using
The focusrite (above) is a USB audio interface that connects the microphone to the camera outside of the recording booth

4. Test your levels


if the suggestions below do not resolve the issue, email us at


The templates should take care of 90% of your audition setup, but sometimes, curious people like to poke around the computer settings. If you are having trouble, check to make sure the following are set correctly within Audition.

Preferences > Audio Hardware

Make sure that your Audio Hardware is set to the following:

    • this is an aggregate audio device that includes the microphone in the booth and the Imac microphone (for the producer)
    • this is an aggregate audio device that includes the headphones in the booth and the computer

Preferences > Audio Channel Mapping

Default Stereo Input:

Because we only have one recording microphone, we want the same input, input 1, to be used for both left and right channels. 

Take a look at the image below to see that all file channels for input should be set to Recording Booth Inputs: Scarlett 2i2 USSB: Input 1


Outputs should be set to Scarlett output 1 and External Headphones 1 respectively (see below)

In the Booth/Computer

Are things plugged In?

Users should not unplug anything from the MML Booth set up, but the major areas that should be checked are:

Other potential/common issues

I am hearing my voice twice in the booth headphones

Producer can't hear the talent recording in the booth via headphones

Talent can't hear producer talking through headphones in the booth. 

I am hearing alot of extra noise when I playback my recording