Technical Editing/Software

Basic Audio Editing: Podcasting Tutorial

Here you will learn about audio editing, a process in which you use a software program to cut, trim, and stitch together different audio elements to make a podcast or audio story. We will be creating a 45 second podcast together!


For this tutorial we will be using Adobe Audition, a software which is free to use for Brown University students. Use this link to learn how to download Adobe products at Brown if you plan to use your personal machine, or you can use Adobe Audition at the Multimedia Labs on campus. If you are reviewing this guide and are not part of the Brown community and don't have Adobe, we recommend using a software like Audacity which is free, though you may find aspects of this tutorial limiting.

Adobe Audition logo

Before you get started, download the media files you will need for this workshop.

Sections by Time Stamp

After your initial viewing of the tutorial, use the provided timestamps when you review to the video to skip to the appropriate section.

  1. Downloading Media: 00:45

  2. Podcast Behind the Scenes: 01:50

  3. Opening Audition + Making a New Project: 06:00

  4. Adding Audio Files to Tracks: 07:38

  5. Soloing and Muting Tracks: 09:12

  6. Composing with Background Track: 10:25

  7. Composing by Splitting and Inserting Clips: 14:33

  8. Removing Background Noise: 16:18

  9. Fading Clips In and Out: 19:28

  10. Ending your Podcast: 20:48

  11. Exporting your Audio Story: 21:58