Granoff Multimedia Lab

1 of our 2 Multimedia Labs, the Granoff MML is a  computer labs dedicated to digital media work. It is equipped with powerful Mac computers, an array of digital software, high-end peripherals and additional creative equipment for use. 

Granoff MML

Granoff Center | Angell St | Flr 3N | Rm N320 

Requires General Membership 

SEMESTER HOURS: M-F 8:30am-10pm | Sat 12-6pm | Sun 12-8pm (We follow Granoff building hours)

Granoff building, next to a map with Granoff highlighted. Text: Granoff MML. Floor 3N, Rm n320

Whats at the Granoff Multimedia Lab:

Wideshot of Granoff MMLs

Some Highlights of the Granoff MML

Touch/Drawing Stations

Close up of a Drawing tablet with hand drawing on it

We installed two Wacom drawing tablets to act as monitors for two new Mac Mini machines. The large 26" wacoms are great for digital painting, retouching, illustration, animation, or even 3D modeling. These tablets also act as a general monitor for a powerful mac mini, allowing you to do so much more than just draw or illustrate at these stations. 

Dual Screens

Close up of two large computer monitors at MMLs

We have four Mac Studio computer set ups. Two are outfitted with a dual monitor setup and other two with an ultra-widescreen montior. Both are useful for all sorts of digital production like video editing, digital collaging, web design, etc. Typically you have your project open on one screen, and have all of your assets, web pages,  reference photos, palettes and tools on the other! 

Audio Stations

Keyboard next to computer monitor at audio station in MMLs

We have a dedicated audio stations with a full 61 key midi-keyboard on a rolling stand as well as an Ableton Push.  We are looking forward to adding more midi-instruments. In addition, each work station has Abelton Live and Reaper installed on them and are outfitted with headphones. 

Laptop Stations

Monitor at MMLs with the on button under the monitor circled

We have outfitted our butcher block tables with external monitors that you can plug your laptop into to either just have a larger screen to work on, or use a dual monitor set up. The monitors are installed on articulating arms, so its also a great way to present or do small group work! We have USB-C and HDMI cables. Simply turn on the monitor by locating the button on the underside of the monitor, press it once to wake up the screen, and plug into your laptop. The monitor should auto-detect your laptop!

Headphones + Audio Splitters

Audio splitter next to Headphones at computer station

Because the MMLs are a communal working space, we ask that you keep sound to a minimum by not playing audio through the computer speakers. Instead, we provide headphones, which are hanging behind the computer. Feel free to bring in your own headphones if you like. If you do, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO UNPLUG OUR HEADPHONES. We have installed audio splitters in each of these stations, so you can just plug your headphones into the open jack. You can also use these stations to listen to your projects with a collaborator. 

Audio Recording Booth

We have outfitted the labs with an audio booth that can record a single voice in a relatively quiet space. Bring your own voice recorder or use our dedicated setup with a high-end condenser mic, studio headphones, and a mac computer for recording. You can also bring a friend/producer to help you or record solo. For more information on the audio booth, take a look at our resource page.