CATS Orientation

This orientation is your first step to using all of the resources and tools at CATS and will give you card access to our core spaces: the Granoff Multimedia Lab, the Grad Center Multimedia Lab and the Physical Media Lab.

Follow the steps below to gain swipe access. The orientation should take about 20 minutes to complete and usually processed the following business day during the academic year.

2. LEARN TO NavigatE OUR Spaces

Our spaces are designed to support everyone from beginners to experts. We have a number of ways you can learn about our tools and policies:

Log in with your Brown credentials

You can log in to our computers with the same Brown credentials (username and password) you use for Single Sign On (SSO) at Brown.

Your Brown username is usually a combination of  the first letter of your first name and the first seven letters of your last name. For example, Marina Velenkamp would be MVelenka

Computer screen with a keyboard and mouse

Look for signs and labels

Most of our equipment is labeled with a short description and QR Code and link to useful information.

Equipment that requires training should be labeled but if you are unsure ask a staff member.

3D printer QR code

Use our website: 

Screenshot of home page of CATS website

Connect with our staff

Creative Technology Assistants

Creative Technology Assistants (or CTAs) are our student staff that help provide trainings, 1-on-1 consultations, and help us oversee the spaces. Feel free to ask them questions or report issues to them.

CTAs can be identified the denim apron they wear while on duty.

Professional staff

If you have a question you can't find the answer to or feedback about the spaces, email

CTAs wearing denim apron

3. CATs Policies

Our goal is to make the Creative Technology spaces easy to use and welcoming to everyone. We need your help to keep the space everyone can create in.

black cat filing their cats in front of a wall with graffiti

Read and follow all signage

3d printer QR code

Back up your files every time

button the shape of a cloud with the words backup on it, a hand cursor floating over it

Don’t change the hardware setup

red do not unplug sign

Do not use equipment that requires training before completing training

yellow training required sign

Eat only in designated areas

While we do allow food in some parts of our spaces we don't allow it everywhere. Food and drink can damage equipment, make it unpleasant to use and attract pests. Please clean up after yourself. Water bottles with lids are allowed.

No food:

Food allowed in certain locations:

woman eating from a takeout box, while on her computer while sitting at her desk with a plant

Clean up after yourself

Our spaces are used by hundreds of people each semester. We expect each member to clean up after themselves so that the spaces remain functional for all.

Except for specific courses, we do not offer project storage.

man with black sunglasses on with text over image "what if I told you to clean up after yourself"

Be respectful of others

image of Aretha Franklin with text over image "Respect the very best of Aretha Franklin"

Report issues if there is a problem in the space

three people wearing business attire and headsets smiling, with text over the image "you have a Mac, please hold"

4. Take the Quiz