A student who violates the district’s code of conduct shall be subject to disciplinary action. The Bristol Public Schools' disciplinary actions may include using one or more discipline management techniques, such as detention, removal from class, removal to an alternative education program, in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, and expulsion. Disciplinary measures will be appropriate for the offense. In addition, when a student violates the law, that student may be referred to legal authorities for prosecution. Students are subject to discipline, up to and including suspension and expulsion for misconduct, which seriously disrupts the educational process and violates publicized board of education policy even if such conduct occurs off-school property and during non-school time.
Students are responsible for conducting themselves properly in a responsible manner appropriate to their age and level of maturity. The district has authority over students during the regular school day and while going to and from school on district transportation. This jurisdiction includes any school-related activity, regardless of time or location, and any off-campus school-related misconduct, regardless of time or location.