ARTICLE 5 Students

ARTICLE 5 Students  5000

0.  Concept and Roles in Student Personnel    

1.  Elementary and Secondary

A.  Attendance

(1)  Residency Requirements     

(a)  Protection of Undocumented Students     

(2)  Ages of Attendance     

(3) Attendance/Excuses/Dismissal/Truancy     

(4)  Work Permits    

(5)  Truancy    

(6)  Suspension/Expulsion/Exclusion/Removal   

(7)  School Census    

(8)  School Attendance Areas   

(a)  Intradistrict Magnet Enrollment    

(9)  Intradistrict Transfer Students     

(10)   School Attendance Areas – Racial Balance     

(11)  Nonresident Students     

(12)  Homeless Students     

B.  Progress Reports

(1)  Examination/Grading/Rating     

(2)  Assignment to Teachers and Classes     

(3)  Assignment of Former Home Schooled Students To classes     

(4)  Promotion/Acceleration/Retention     

(5)  Graduation Ceremonies (Participation)    

(6)  Reporting to Parents     

(7)  Student Records/Confidentiality     

(8)  Health/Medical Records     

(9)  Awards for Achievement     

C.  Activities

(1)  Conduct at School and Activities     

(2)  Bus Conduct     

(3)  Video Surveillance    

(4)  Student Driving/Parking    

(5)  Vandalism     

(6)  Substance Abuse     

(7)  Medical (Palliative) Use of Marijuana    

(8)  Weapons and Dangerous Instruments    

(9)  Out of School Misconduct     

(10)  Use of Electronic Devices     

(11)  Hazing    

(12)  Bullying     

(13)  Cyberbullying     

(14)  School Climate     

(15)  Dress and Grooming     

D.  Student Welfare

(1)  Administering Medications     

(2)  Communicable & Infectious Diseases     

(3)  Psychotropic Drug Use     

(4)  Students with HIV, ARC or AIDS    

(5)  Health Assessments & Immunizations     

(6)  Health Examinations for Middle/High School Athletic Participation     

(7)  Reporting of Child Abuse     

(8)  Suicide Prevention     

(9)  Crisis Response     

(10)  Student Safety     

(11)  Academic Integrity/Cheating     

(12)  Use of Physical Force     

(13)   Exclusionary Time Out     

(14)  Physical Exercise and Discipline of Students     

E.  Civil and Legal Rights and Responsibilities

(1)  Search and Seizure    

(2)  On-Campus Recruitment

(3)  Directory Information    

(4)  Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990    

(5) Personnel - Title IX     

(6)  Sexual Harassment    

(7)  Exploitation; Sexual Harassment     

(8)  Student Grievance Procedures (Title IX)