Grading &

US History adheres to the Bremerton School District Standards-Based Grading and Reporting Policy. All grades will be determined based on evidence from assessments that measure achievement on course, state, and national standards.

Formative Assignments: You will complete a variety of formative assignments that will help you learn the content and prepare for summative quizzes, unit tests, and essays. These formative assignments could include: textbook reading assignments, supplementary reading assignments & videos, in-class notes, graphic organizers, class discussions, quick writes, and other independent & in-class activities. 

Semester Grades will be calculated based on the following percentages:

Summative Unit 
Assessments: 50%

Summative assessment(s) will be given at the conclusion of each unit to assess your mastery of that unit's key concepts and big ideas. Possible formats include:

Summative Classwork/ Independent Work: 40%

During each unit there will be assignments given both in class and as independent work that assess learning of historical concepts and ideas. 

You will always be given specific guidelines, grading criteria, and due dates for all summative assessments. 

Skills for
Success: 10%

Skills necessary for success in high school and beyond, such as attending scheduled class meetings on time with required materials/preparation, being self-directed and completing independent assignments, submitting assignments on time, using class time appropriately, giving your best effort, etc. are also included in this category.

All assignments will be posted in Skyward when they are graded. You are encouraged to access your grade in Skyward at least once a week. If you have any questions or concerns about your grade, reach out to Ms. Justice as soon as possible.  

Bremerton High School Grading Scale

In accordance with district policy, NO EXTRA CREDIT will be given.