Class Resources

APUSH Textbook: The American Pageant, 16th edition (AP Edition)

Please check out an individual copy of the textbook from the BHS Library during Summer Knight Days. You will use this textbook at home throughout the year, but are not expected to bring it to class every day (it's very heavy! šŸ˜¬!)

If your textbook is lost or severely damaged the approximate replacement cost is $200

Supplemental Readings will also be assigned from the American Yawp online textbook.

APUSH Resources

Please come to class every day with a writing utensil, notebook paper, a charged chromebook, and any assigned handouts or supplemental resources. It is a good idea to keep a designated notebook or section in a 3-ring binder for this class.

APUSH resources by unit and study skills & writing skills resources
APUSH review by unit & writing help

APUSH Videos