How to Receive your award

If you meet the qualifications fill out the forms below to receive your FFA Award(s). They will be given out on May 27, 2021 during our Drive-Thru Awards Banquet.

GReenhand Degree

  • 1st Year FFA Members

←Click on Form to fill it out

Chapter Farmer Degree

  • 2nd Year FFA Members

← Click on Form to fill it out

FFA Letter

  • 2-4th Year FFA Members

← Click on Form to fill it out

STAte Farmer Degree

American Farmer Degree


The Agricultural Proficiency Awards honor FFA members who, through their supervised agricultural experiences (SAEs), have developed specialized skills that they can apply toward their future careers.

Students can compete for awards in almost 50 areas covering everything from agricultural communications to wildlife management. There are four types of proficiency awards:

  • Placement proficiency awards are given to those whose SAEs are related to employment, apprenticeships, or internships at an agribusiness or agriculture-related organization.

  • Entrepreneurship proficiency awards are given to those whose SAEs are related to ownership of an agribusiness or agriculture-related enterprise.

  • Combined some proficiency award areas are not split into entrepreneurship and placement, applicants can combine both placement and entrepreneurship records if both are included in the SAE.

  • Agriscience Research proficiency awards involve planning and conducting an agriculturally based scientific experiment based on hypothesis and the use of the scientific methods of investigation on the hypothesis.

Interested in applying for a proficiency? (click here)