Above The Chapter

Brawley FFA gives members various opportunities to do be involved not only in the chapter but above it too!

Whether it be a leadership conference or even running for section office. You can do it!

For further information click here.


CAlifornia State Conv.

Greenhand Leadership Conf

Made for excellence

Advanced Leadership Academy

Sacrmaneto Leadership Experience

WASHINGTON Leadership Conf.

Section LEADERSHIP Conf 

Contact Advisor Mrs.Taylor

Socal leadership Conference

Contact Advisor Mrs.Taylor

National FFa Convention


Want to be a part of the State Convention?  

Check out the resources below and get even more involved during your trip!! 

There are plenty of roles and opportuntites you can apply for.

 State FFA Band, Choir, and Talent Application



 FFA Press


State Officer Nominating Committee 

Committee and Sub Committee Chair 


 Imperial Section Officer application

Southern Region Officer application

Califonria ffa state officer application