Exam Board: AQA

Course Overview / Introduction

Drama is a unique tool to express and explore human feeling, it allows you to communicate with and understand others in new ways whilst developing empathy and tolerance.

GCSE Drama offers you the opportunity to creatively explore texts and ideas; to engage practically (as well as academically) and learn how to analyse and evaluate drama and theatre. The skills will help you develop a detailed approach to plays, which will boost your English progression. GCSE Drama is not just about acting. The course covers all sorts of transferable skills such as communication, presentation/public speaking, group and leadership skills, problem solving, time management, initiative and the ability to work to a deadline. Drama is also a subject to take if you want a job in the entertainment industry, in front of an audience or behind the scenes. It is also relevant and interesting to people who are interested in culture or social issues.

What will you study?

Component 1: Understanding drama

Component 2: Devising drama (practical)

Component 3: Texts in practice (practical)

For component 2 and 3 the subject content is assessed practically.  Each student must choose to be assessed as one of the following: performer or lighting designer or sound designer or set designer or costume designer or puppet designer.

How many exams are there?

Component 1: 40% of GCSE

Component 2: 40% of GCSE

Component 3: 20% of GCSE

What will you gain from this course?

Students who take Drama are encouraged to take part in as many performance opportunities as possible. You can audition to be part of the whole school show and participate in the Drama club. You can use the drama studio for rehearsals during break, lunch and after school times. You will have the opportunity to perform your work at school events and as part of the wider school e.g. assemblies, end of term celebrations and other external events. There are a range of theatre visits and trips throughout the year and you will take part in workshops from a range of external providers. New links and partnerships are currently in development with South Hill Park to further expand the range of opportunities available within the drama department.

What does this lead to?

GCSE drama can lead to a wide range of careers and fields of interest. After GCSE you can develop it further into sixth  form, college and then onto university or drama school. Drama also helps to build confidence, communication, presentation skills and interview techniques. Those skills will help you in all situations throughout your career and will give you the opportunity to showcase your skills in various different fields.

Staff Contact:

Mrs Millard,
Head of Performing Arts