Innovation Hub

Innovation Hub

Promoting Critical Thinking, Innovation, Collaboration, and Creativity.

One of the primary objectives of the Innovation Hub is to foster a culture of critical thinking and innovation. Bracken High School recognizes that today's learners need to be more than passive recipients of knowledge; they need to be creators, innovators, and problem solvers. The hub provides learners with a conducive environment for brainstorming, experimenting, and developing innovative solutions. Collaboration is another cornerstone of the hub's philosophy. It's widely acknowledged that real-world problem-solving often requires the combined efforts of multiple individuals with diverse skill sets. The Innovation Hub is designed to facilitate collaboration among learners, enabling

them to work on projects that demand teamwork, communication, and shared innovation. Creativity is encouraged through a variety of resources available within the hub. From books and online research materials to creative software and multimedia tools, the hub is a treasure trove for imaginative minds to explore and create.

Coding Club

Coding Club

At Bracken High School, we think it's important to provide our pupils with a variety of learning and growth opportunities. We're happy to provide a coding club as an extracurricular activity because of this. Students can discover the fascinating world of programming languages by joining our coding club, which encourages creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities. Our club's members work together on projects, exchange knowledge, and benefit from one another's experiences, fostering a lively community of tech-loving, like-minded people.