
School Fees Structure 2024

Fees Due 2024                                 R22 000.00

If the account is paid full by 31 March 2024

Fees Due R22 000.00

Discount Applicable       20%     R 4 400.00

Nett Payable                                      R17 600.00

If the account is paid in full by debit order, stop order or EFT in 10 equal payments from January 2024 to October 2024

Fees Due                                           R22 000.00

Discount Applicable       10%     2 200.00

Nett Payable                                      R19 800.00

Monthly Payment R 1 980.00

All Funds paid are offset firstly against arrears, and then current accounts. Discount cannot be claimed for paying off the current school fess whilst there are fees unpaid from previous years. The full amount of the school fees (R22 200.00) becomes due and payable, without any exception other than the above, on the 31st March 2024, by which date monthly payments should already be in place. The School Governing Body shall be entitled to take whatever process is deemed appropriate to collect unpaid fees, plus all costs due from that date. Policy for collection of school fees for 2024 is available at the finance office. Both parents are jointly responsible for school fees, irrespective of maintenance and court orders, which may exist between the parties, and will both be sued in the event of non-payment.

Please Note That Payment In Full At The End Of The Year Is Not Acceptable.

School Banking Details:

Bracken High School

        Standard Bank Alberton

  Branch No: 012342        

                Account Number: 020629052

Please use your 4 digit account number and child's surname as reference and email proof of payment to

Card Facilities available at the school.

Click Here to download a copy of the payment structure