

In 2023, after fruitful auditions, the choir was able to grow in numbers, which meant that a lot of work could be done to start developing skills within the choir that would be beneficial in the long run. The choir journey started off on a good note, where the choir was invited by Jeppe High School for Girls to participate in their African Music Festival. The choir chose to stick to South African traditional items, where they received a stand up innovation for their performance. The performance was so well received by the audience that the Principal of the school promised to invite the choir again for future festivals that they plan. The choir also enrolled for their very first Eisteddfod. As part of preparation, the choir had a workshop to help with repertoire, as the choir for part of the competition had to present 4 different music genres of music to showcase their versatility. The choir entered the female high school choir category, under advanced choirs. Bracken High achieved a total average of 94% for their performance, being narrowly beaten by the reigning champions by 0,5%. This was a remarkable achievement, as Bracken High School placed 2nd overall for their very first attempt.