A. Organization

A.1 Organizational Chart of the Institution displayed at the Administration Office 

A.2 Copy of the Board Resolution approving the organizational structure and other relevant resolutions

A.3 Functional Chart 

A.4 Composition of the Administrative Council including its powers and functions

A.5 Composition of the Academic Council including its powers and functions 

A.6 College/University Code 

A.7 System of Communication flow 

A.8 Administrative/Operations Manual 

 A.9 Qualification Standards for Administrative Personnel

B. Academic Administration

B.1 Educational profile and functions of the academic administrators 

B.1.1. Dean/Director; and

B.1.2. Department Chair or his/her equivalent

B.2 Evidence of participatory administration in the College/Institute

B.3 Dean’s Supervisory Program 

C. Student Administration 

C.1 Policies and guidelines on different aspects of student life

C.2 Evidence of student’s participation in planning and implementation of student activities

C.3 Evidence of good working relationship among the administration, faculty, staff and students

D. Financial Management

D.1 Qualification of the Head of the FMO, including his/her functions

D.2 Guidelines in budget preparation

D.3 Evidence of participation of the academic unit in budget allocation

D.4 Statement of budget priorities

D.5 Plantilla of Administrative Personnel

E. Supply Management 

E.1 Composition of the Supply Management Office, including their qualifications, functions and responsibilities

E.2 Description of the system of supply management

E.3 Composition and functions of the Bids and Awards Committee 

E.4 Evidence of compliance to RA 9184 (Procurement of equipment, supplies and materials)

E.5 File copies of annual inventories of serviceable and non-serviceable equipment

F. Records Management 

F.1 Composition of the Records Management Office, their qualifications and function

F.2 Description of the records management in the Institution 

F.3 Description of the system of maintaining the confidentiality and security of official records

F.4 Updated records/files identified under Administration

G. Institutional Planning and Development

G.1 Composition of the Planning Unit, including their functions

G.2 Copy of the Development Plan, long term and short term

G.3 Evidence of participatory financial management 

G.4 Description of inter-office sharing of resources (facilities and equipment) 

G.5 Copy of the Personnel Performance Evaluation Instrument 

G.6 Evidence on the use of the Personnel Evaluation results to improve performance and delivery of services 

G.7 Annual Reports