A. Academic Qualifications and Professional Experience

A.1 Copy of Qualification Standards

A.2 The Faculty’s Personal Data Sheet 

A.3 Profile of the faculty according to: 

A.3.1 Educational qualification 

A.3.2 Length of academic experience; and

A.3.3 Field of specialization, if applicable 

A.4 List of Faculty who have received academic awards/recognition

B. Recruitment, Selection and Orientation 

B.1 Policies on hiring and selection 

B.2 Criteria used in the selection process

B.3 Composition of the Screening Committee

B.4 Evidence of the selection process showing the names of the applicants

B.5 Evidence of the orientation program for newly hired faculty

B.6 Policies on inbreeding 

C. Faculty Adequacy and Loading 

C.1 Roster of faculty with valid professional license, if applicable

C.2 Faculty Manual 

C.3 Copy of the loading system 

C.4 Report of the faculty-student ratio 

C.5 Files of individual faculty load 

D. Rank and Tenure 

D.1 Policies on rank and tenure, including pertinent Board resolutions 

D.2 Copy of the Merit System and Promotion Plan 

D.3 Profile of the faculty 

D.3.1 appointment status; and 

D.3.2 academic rank

D.4 List of faculty arranged according to academic rank 

E. Faculty Development

E.1 Copy of the Faculty Development Program

E.2 Summary of faculty who were granted scholarship, fellowship, etc

E.3 File copies of Scholarship/Fellowship Training Contract

E.4 Summary of in-service training conducted in campus by the program under survey, including list of faculty participants

E.5 Budgetary allocation for faculty development

F. Professional Perfomance and Scholarly Works

F.1 Updated course syllabi of individual faculty 

F.2 Samples of Instructional materials developed and produced by the faculty (workbook, manual, module, ICT material, etc.) 

F.3 Composition and profile of the Instructional Materials Development Committee

F.4 Faculty who served as lecturer, resource person, consultant in his/her field of specialization as well as in allied disciplines

F.5 List of publications where faculty outputs are published 

G. Salaries, Fringe Benefits and Incentives

G.1 Policies and guidelines on salaries, benefits and privileges including the system of availment

G.2 List of privileges, fringe benefits as well as incentives

G.3 Copy of the Plantilla

G.4 Evidence/s that fringe benefits and incentives are provided to the faulty

G.5 Description of the faculty Performance Evaluation System, including the instrument/s used 

G.6 List of faculty given recognition/award/credits for outstanding performance and production of scholarly works

H. Professionalism 

H.1 Evidence/s on faculty attendance in class and other institutional activities 

H.2 Minutes of Meetings Conducted 

H.3 Evidence on Submission of Required Reports by the faculty 

H.4 Personnel Records on Administrative/Disciplinary Cases, if any

H.5 Records of termination cases, if any 

H.6 Evidence/s of professional growth (advanced studies and attendance to seminars and other in-service training 

H.7 Code of Professional Ethics/RA 6713 and other pertinent CSC issuances

H.8 Evidence/s dissemination and observance of RA 6713, the Citizen’s Charter and other pertinent legal issuances