A. Site 

A.1 Site Development Plan/Physical Plant Map displayed prominently in the campus 

A.2 Evidence of land ownership

A.3 Vicinity Map 

B. Campus 

B.1 A copy of the Campus Development Plan 

B.2 Description of a mechanism to ensure the following: 

B.2.1 traffic safety in and out of the campus

B.2.2 waste management

B.2.3 maintenance, repair and upkeep of property 

B.2.4 cleanliness and orderliness in the campus; and

B.2.5 security of the academic community inside the campus 

C. Buildings 

C.1 Approved building plan, showing the location of the different buildings in the campus

C.2 Evidence that electrical lines are safely installed and periodically checked 

C.3 Schedule of water potability testing and pest control inspection

C.4 PDF of the janitorial staff, including work schedule 

D. Classrooms (For ocular inspection) 

D.1 Number of classrooms utilized by the program under survey

D.2 Sample of Photographs of material resources inside the classrooms 

E. Offices, Function Rooms and Staff Rooms (For ocular inspection) 

E.1 Photographs of offices and function rooms 

E.2 Inventory of equipment, amenities and supplies in function rooms and offices

E.3 Availability of toilets and storeroom, where needed

E.4 List and description of function rooms(administrative office, faculty room, faculty lounge, music room, conference hall, multimedia room, etc.)

E.5 File copies of approved requests for the use of the function rooms 

F. Assembly and Athletic Facilities (For ocular inspection) 

F.1 Lay-out of the Sports Center 

F.2 Inventory of sports facilities 

F.3 List of Assembly Halls 

F.4 Copy of rules and regulations in the use of assembly halls and sports/athletic facilities 

 G. Medical and Dental Clinic 

G.1 Floor plan of the Medical and Dental Clinic 

G.2 Qualification of the medical and dental clinic 

G.3 Inventory of equipment, supplies and other material resources 

H. Student Center (For ocular inspection) 

H.1 Floor Plan of the Student Center showing the location of different offices 

H.2 Inventory of equipment, furniture and amenities at the SC 

I. Food Services/Canteen (For ocular inspection)

I.1 Copy of the Permit to Operate conspicuously displayed

I.2 Display board where foo/menu for the day, including prices are posted

I.3 Health Certificates of Canteen Staff and food handlers

I.4 Inventory of equipment and furniture 

J. Accreditation Center (For ocular inspection) 

J.1 Inventory of equipment, furniture and amenities 

K. Housing (Optional) 

K.1 Floor plan of Dormitories, showing entrance and exit points, conference hall, mess hall, Dorm Head’s office, etc

K.2 Certificate of Occupancy 

K.3 Evidence that a maintenance system exists 

K.4 Requirements on admission of student, faculty and staff boarders

K.5 Copy of house rules and regulations including strategies for dissemination

K.6 List of dormitory staff and their PDF

K.7 List of Occupants, including vital information about them.