Area III: Curriculum and Instruction

A. Curriculum and Program of Studies

A.1 Copy of the Curriculum (with prerequisite courses, where applicable)

A.2 CHED Policies and standards, CMOs, where applicable

A.3 Copies of MOA or MOU with agencies/institutions regarding Immersion, OJT, RLE, Practice Teaching and other related activities 

A.4 Minutes of the Academic Council meeting

A.5 Policies on curriculum development/review 

A.6 Policies on validation of subjects taken by transferees, and accommodation of students with special needs

B. Instructional Process, Methodologies and Learning Opportunities 

B.1 Compilation of updated course syllabi in all subject

B.2 Evidence/s on remedial programs conducted

B.3 List of teaching strategies used in the different subject areas

B.4 Sample course requirements submitted by students

B.5 Record of class observation 

B.6 List of academic linkages or consortia

C. Assessment of Academic Performance 

C.1 Sample copies of summative examination (mid-term and final) with Table of Specification 

C.2 Samples of non-traditional assessment tools, eg rubric, portfolio, etc

C.3 Samples of assessment tools for individual differences and multiple intelligences

C.4 Sample class records

C.5 Copy of the grading system, including evidence that it has been approved

C.6 Evidence that course requirements are returned to students after they were evaluated and recorded

D. Classroom Management 

D.1 Policies on class attendance and discipline 

D.2 Evidence that independent work/performance is encouraged and monitored, such as student outputs

E. Graduation Requirements 

E.1 Policies that apply to student returnees, transferees and students with academic deficiencies including residency

E.2 Sample copy of students’ clearance before graduation 

E.3 Samples of researches conducted by students 

E.4 Policies on OJT, (Practice Teaching, RLE, Apprenticeship, Practicum, etc), if applicable

F. Administrative Support for Effective Instruction

F.1 Administrative Manual 

F.2 Evidence/s of dialogues conducted among the administration, faculty and students

F.3 Schedule of regular faculty consultation hours

F.4 A system of awards/recognition for graduating students with outstanding achievements

F.5 Results of a study on the licensure performance of graduates, if applicable

F.6 Evidence of administrative support to improve licensure performance of graduates, if applicable

F.7 Conduct of a tracer study on the employability of graduates

F.8 Feedback from employers regarding performance of graduates