A. Statement of Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives

A.1 Vision Statement

A.2 Mission Statement

A.3 Statement of the Goals of the Academic Unit 

A.4 Statement of the Program Objective 

A.5 Copy of the Charter of the Institution

A.6 Minutes of the Meetings on the formulation, review and revision, of the VMGO

A.7 File Copies of Letters of Invitation to Participate

A.8 Attendance Record of Stakeholder-Participants

A.9 Copies of CMOs relevant to VMGO formulation, if any 

B. Dissemination and Acceptability 

B.1 Display boards on which the VMGO are posted

B.2 Samples of dissemination materials (brochures, leaflets, flyers, etc) 

B.3 Evidence/s of awareness and acceptability of the VMGO 

C. Congruence and Implementation 

C.1 Evidence/s of congruence between educational practices/activities and

the VMGO 

C.2 Awards/citations received by the program under survey 

C.3 List of Linkages, consortia and networking

C.4 Data on employability of graduates