Resource Potluck

Do you have good resources to share? Use this page to share resources with others--and steal good ideas.

If you have anything else to add to our list, please email Mark:




  1. ESP (Educator Supports Program) Website (additional info, resources, how to enroll)

  2. How to Get Better (Briceno TED Talk)

  3. How to Use Feedback (Heen TED Talk)

  4. Motivation & Drive (Daniel Pink Animated TED Talk)

  5. Mindset (Dweck Animated TED Talk)

  6. Adaptive vs. Technical Change (Ted-Ed video)

  7. Good Leaders and Safety (Sinek TED Talk)

Additional Readings

  1. “Peer to Peer: Exemplary Ratings” (from Mark Lonergan)

  2. Selecting Data Sources (from Skillful Leader)

  3. Coaching Moves (from Instructional Coaching Ch. 6)

  4. Coaching Models (from Marzano)

  5. “Art of Coaching Chapter 5: Building Trust” (additional reading)

  6. Selecting Data Sources (from Skillful Leader)

  7. Adult Learning Principles (from Telling Ain’t Training)

  8. Feedback & Vulnerability (from Daring Greatly)

  9. Immunity to Change (summary)

  10. Data Gathering Tools (from Art of Coaching)

  11. Data Sources (from Art of Coaching)

  12. Developing a Work Plan (from Art of Coaching)

  13. Michael Phelps & Starbucks (from Power of Habit)

  14. Jerry Rice & Deliberate Practice (blog)

  15. Guide to Changing a Habit (from Power of Habit)

  16. "Making that Change" (column from BTU Newspaper)

  17. Psychological Safety & Google (from New York Times)

  18. Inclusive Coaching (from Culturally Proficient Coaching)