O&F 2019 Materials

This page include slideshows, assignments, and other materials from the Observation and Feedback course.

Course Syllabus & Overview (Spring 2019)


Includes schedule, assignments, norms, reading list, and DESE teacher rubric.

Google Classroom

Code is j4bwtx

O&F Syllabus Spring 2019

Session 1 Prework

Prework for Session 1

Pre-work due May 19, 2019

  • Course overview

  • Literal notes and CSI

  • Seven Keys to Effective Feedback

  • ICF Coaching Frameworks

  • Intro to bias

  • Post-observation conversation preview

O & F Blended Session 1 Online Spring 2019

Session 1 Materials

Session 1 Materials

Session 1 - May 20, 2019

  • Review norms and course plan

  • CSI Strategy/Criteria for Success

  • Peer feedback on literal notes and CSIs

  • Bias

  • Reflection on post-observation conversations

Session 2 Prework

Prework for Session 2

Homework due Session 2 (June 10th):

  1. Observe a teacher and write literal notes and two CSIs. Bring a hard copy of your literal notes and CSIs to share with classmates. Submit an electronic copy on Google Classroom.


  1. Day 2 Prework Slideshow. Other links:

  2. Session 2 pre-work will be posted on Google Classroom by May 20th

Session 2 Materials

Session 2 Materials

Session 2 - June 10, 2019

  • Growth mindset and adaptive change

  • Peer feedback on literal notes and CSIs

  • Literal Notetaking

  • Critical CSIs

  • Selective Scripting

  • Bias

  • Language of coaching based supervision

  • Post-observation conversation plan/role play

Session 3 Prework

Prework for Session 3

Homework due Session 3:

  1. Observe a teacher and write literal notes and two CSIs. Bring a hard copy of your literal notes and CSIs to share with classmates. Submit an electronic copy on Google Classroom.

  2. Read Bambrick-Santoyo: Leverage Leadership (Chapt 2)

  3. Read Danielson: Observing Classroom Practice.pdf

  4. Read Marshall: Rethinking Teacher Supervision (summary).pdf

  5. Read Ontario: Respond to Challenging Conversations

  6. Read Keen: Sonoma Trapeze Troupe.pdf

  7. Session 3 pre-work will be posted on Google Classroom by June 10th

Session 3 Materials

Session 3 Materials

  • Tools for managing the work

  • Peer evaluation

  • Strategies for reducing bias

  • Additional sources of data

  • Giving feedback to other staff

  • Conflict style and communicating concerns directly

  • Additional observation tools

  • Post-observation conversation role play

  • Trapeze article

Eval 101 & Additional Resources

Eval 101 Info

This document will help you find the online "Eval 101" modules that you must complete to become certified as a BPS evaluator.

Additional Eval 101 Resources

  • Here's a cheat sheet to help you on the quizzes.

  • (Sept 2017) Here's tip sheet from OIIT if you're having trouble with the BPS Learns website.

Instructions for Taking the BPS Online Evaluator Training - August 2017

Previous O&F Materials