Evals & Prescriptions

This page includes resources to help you write evaluations and prescriptions.

Key Resources

Eval Evidence Review

(from JMF) Use this graphic organizer for a pre-eval meeting to look at what evidence we have and what evidence we still need.

O&F Evidence Review

Evaluation Template

(from PAR) This is a template to use for writing evaluations.

Evaluation template v2

Other Resources

Artifacts 101

(from PAR) This document includes info about artifacts, an artifact menu, tips on writing rationales, and an artifact graphic organizer.

Artifacts 101.pdf

BPS Plan Duration Guidelines

Helpful info from OHC (especially if you're working with Directed Growth or Improvement plans.

BPS Plan Duration Guidance.pdf

Artifact Rationale Guidelines

(from JMF) Nice color-coded version of how to write a rationale paragraph.

Guidelines for writing artifact rationales.docx

Criteria for Writing Strong Evaluations

(from OHC) This includes examples and links to resources.

OHC Criteria for Writing Strong Evaluations SY17-18

BTU Evaluation Supports (PA and PAR)

Guidance for less-than-Proficient teachers who may want to enroll in PA or PAR.

2018.06 Evaluation Supports Flyer

PAR Eval Example

(from PAR) This is an example of a formative eval from PAR. Eval is based on this evidence.

Peer Eval formative example

Prescriptions 101

(from PAR and OHC) Guidance and resources for any evaluator writing prescriptions for a less-than-Proficient plan.

Prescriptions 101