One of the most important cognitive abilities for completing tasks is focus. It's essential for activities like working, studying, learning, reading and listening.

Why do we lose focus?

You might be tired

Juggling school, extracurriculars, friends, homework and maybe even a part-time job can cause us to stay up late into the night. Research shoes that fatigue and sleepiness can cause lack of focus, inattention and crankiness.

You're not eating well

Hunger is distracting for both your body and your brain. It's important for adolescents to eat three healthy, nutritious meals a day. 

Keep away from sugar. It has been linked to poor memory and focus. 

You might be near too many distracting stimuli

You're trying to study for Biology, but you keep checking your phone every few minutes. Or you're attempting to write your English paper, but you find yourself wasting hours on instagram. 

Teens are bombarded with many stimuli competing for their attention. 

You're not moving enough

When you find yourself having trouble focusing, go for a walk, do some jumping jacks. Research has linked physical movement to improved cognition and attention for teens.

You have pressing issues on your mind

You just had an argument with a friend or you are trying to plan a birthday party. It's hard to concentrate when your brain is busy with other things.

You're too overwhelmed

You have a big Latin project but you're finding it hard tackle.

You might have too much screen time

Too much blue light can fool the brain into thinking it's daytime, which can delay sleep.

You might have an underlying medical condition

There are some underlying medical conditions that can cause us to lose focus or get bored more easily.

How do I increase focus?

Break down tasks

Simplify your tasks by breaking them down into smaller parts, which can make them more manageable and easier to focus on

Get enough sleep

A teenager needs 8-10 hours of continuous sleep every night. Set a consistent sleep and wake up time.

Eat three healthy meals a day

Eating three healthy meals a day can improve short-term memory and attention.

Remove distractions

Get rid of distractions and noise. Sit somewhere quiet, turn off the TV or put your phone on silent.

Stick to one task

Multitasking can make it harder to focus. Work on one thing and then switch to the next.

Practice Mindfulness

Find a comfortable position, take a deep breath and focus on your breath.

Increase Physical Activity

Take a walk or even just move your head and feet around.

Being active releases chemicals in your brain that make you feel good - boosting self-esteem and helping with concentration.

Take short breaks

Reward yourself with a 5-10 minute break while you work. It can reduce stress and maintain performance throughout the day. It can also reduce the need for long recovery at the end.

Use a Timer

Setting a timer helps allocate a specific amount of time for a task, which can increase focus and prevent procrastination.

Practice is key! Learning to increase your focus is like a muscle that needs to be built!