How to Help a Friend

Check In Regularly

People may withdraw from their loved ones when they are struggling - your friend may stop texting or not want to hang out

Send them a message: "thinking of you", "I'm always here"

Make an effort to let them know that you are available to listen to them

Offer to Do Enjoyable Things Together

Pleasant activities don't eliminate mental health struggles - it can temporarily bring a sense of connection and happiness

Invite them to eat at a favorite restaurant or watch a movie or any preferred activity

Don't take it personally if they turn down your invitation

Avoid Judging

People struggling with mental health can feel shameful and embarrassed. If a friend opens up to you, avoid making assumptions or becoming critical of their behavior.

Things not helpful to say: "your life is so great - there is no reason to be depressed" or "other people have it so much worse"

Listen and attune yourself to their feelings

Discuss Getting Help

Mental health struggles are treatable!

If you are worried about a friend's symptoms, it's important to share your concerns with a trusted adult. 

Even if your friend tells you something in confidence, it is critical that you reach out for help if you suspect that they will harm themselves or others.