In-app Earnings

Dear Partners, 

We hope this message finds you well. We’re always looking to improve your experience with Bolt Food and we are very excited to introduce you with the newest feature of In-app Earnings!

In-app earnings will allow you to maximize earnings by delivering in parts of the city where there are higher multipliers available and grant visibility of current and future earning possibilities. The earnings are determined by the zone in which the restaurant is located. 

For example:

Multipliers for every zone will be communicated in advance on a weekly basis. This will allow you to freely plan when and where to deliver to maximize your earnings.💰 Please be aware that this feature is only accessible to couriers using the latest version of the Bolt Courier app. Kindly update your app if you haven't already done so.

Thank you for delivering with Bolt Food. We hope that this feature will greatly improve your delivery experience.

Best regards,

Bolt Food team 💚