Section 4H: Facilities Management

As a department leader, you may be responsible for any number of spaces in a variety of buildings that faculty use. You may also need to make requests for space or call someone for repairs, painting, office moves, or remodeling. Campus Planning and Facilities is the first place you should go for more information.

Campus Planning and Facilities is responsible for the maintenance and operations of all state-owned buildings on campus, as well as planning, design, and construction for new buildings and remodeling projects.

Campus Planning and Facilities is comprised of:

Architectural and Engineering Services (AES)

Capital Planning and Space Management (CPSM)

Environmental Health, Safety and Sustainability (EHSS)

Facilities Operations and Maintenance (FOAM)

Office of Risk Management and Insurance (RMI)

For immediate assistance, please call Facilities Operations and Maintenance at (208) 426-1409. Otherwise, email the following: