Mentor Faculty

Mentor Faculty at all Stages of their Career and Generate Departmental Collegiality

Each college and department has its own approach to mentoring faculty, but department chairs serve as a key resource for ensuring that mentoring is, in fact, taking place. Within this general area of care and concern of departmental faculty members, as yet untenured faculty members have a special place; it is crucial that the department chair provide support and resources to new and untenured faculty.

Tenured faculty members need your attention too, perhaps not in the same or as concentrated a way as untenured faculty, but they will also benefit from encouragement, support, and attentive listening. The vitality of a department and the college and university depends on the continued energy, productivity, and intellectual edge of all faculty.

Please refer to “Section 5A: Faculty” sections of this handbook for detailed suggestions on how you can mentor untenured and mid-career faculty.