Building Human Connection, Community, and Hope at Boise High
Building Human Connection, Community, and Hope at Boise High
Whether your stressed about a test, contemplating suicide, or feeling something anywhere in between - we've got you. No issue is too big or too small for a check-in.
Use the QR or follow this link to request a check-in with a member of our Hope Squad.
Are you worried about someone you know? Are they going through something? Did they experience a life change? Are you not sure, but know they seem a bit off? Think they could use a friendly, nonjudgmental "How are you doing?" Help us check-in with them.
Use the QR or follow this link to refer someone for a check-in with a member of our Hope Squad.
Are you or someone you know in crisis? Take action now.
Are you or someone you know in crisis? Take action now.
Click on the icons below to link directly with these resources.