Whaea Ruth's Cybersmart class

Accessing online learning for Whaea Ruth's classes

Before contributing to the class blog you will need to ensure your blogger profile is set up correctly. To do that watch the video below and use the slide deck

Yr 13 PE Blogger profiles
Setting up your blog profile correctly.webm

Your online profile part 1

What will your online profile say about you? What things will you want to keep private and what things are ok to be public? Click on the images in this collage and see how other people advertise themselves online. What do you notice?

  1. Watch the video Manage your online reputation
  2. Work through the slide deck public and private and then create your own online profile using the google draw image template

Your online profile part 2

  1. Create an about me blog post draft by making a copy of the Create and Share your profile slide deck and working through the slides.
Write a personal profile to share on your blog.