Cybersmart Learners

Smart learners are at home in a digital world

Smart learners can do the following:

  1. Understand and demonstrate responsible use of their device as described in the Kawa of Care Responsible Use Student Agreement

  2. Smart learners know how to use their Chromebook for learning.

  3. Confidently navigate and harness their device and learning applications

  4. Are mindful that being Cybersmart is staying up-to-date with our Cybersmart learning.

  5. They know how to 'be in the right place at the right time' when learning in class.

How well do you know your way around your Chromebook?

In this section you'll learn how to use different keyboard shortcuts, how to organise your Google Drive and work with the different Google Suite of Apps. Click here to get started.

Lesson 1: Student drive & Bookmarking

LEARN: Ready for learning

Student google drive & bookmarking

  1. Organise your Google Drive and File naming conventions

For this lesson, you'll need to make a copy of the slide deck, Organising your Google Drive. Name your copied document correctly and save it to your Cyb folder.

2. Setting up your bookmarks

You can save website links to a bookmarks folder in your Chrome browser so they are easy to refer back to at a later date. To get started with saving bookmarks click on the star button; you'll find it on the right-hand side of the Omni box or address bar. Work through the slide deck on the right to learn how to make the most of your bookmarks.

21 Your Google Drive
Setting up your bookmarks

By taking a screenshot of your work you can create diagrams and posters. It's also a good way of showing evidence of your learning.

You'll need to take a screenshot of the activities above and add them to your slide deck. If you're not sure how to take a screenshot on your Chromebook click here to see the quick help guide.


Files can have different share settings, view, comment and edit. Share your finished Google slide with a friend. Allow them viewing rights only.

Lesson Two: Understanding the Kawa of Care

Kaikohekohe - Kawa of Care Student Agreement

Kawa of Care

  1. Read through the school's Kawa of Care document (see above)

  2. Bookmark the document Cybersmart folder in your browser bar

  3. What is the document about?

What did you learn?

Imagine you are explaining to a younger sibling or student what the Kawa of Care document means. Choose to either;

  1. write a short summary

  2. create a poster about the Kawa of Care document.

New to Google Draw?

Watch the video to see how it works

Upload your mahi

When we share our learning with each other we get a better understanding of each other. We'll be adding our mahi to the class folder or backpack.

Click hereShare your work by uploading it to the class folder.

Lesson Three: Digital Dig Wero

See if you can find all the words related to Cybersmart in the word search. Click here or the image to get play

Ready for a Challenge?

Think you know your Chromebook? Try the Bay of Islands College Digital Dig Challenge

Bay of Islands College Digital Dig Wero 2021

How to access your Google Docs when you're offline

If you have limited or no WIFI access at home you will want to ensure you can work offline. Make sure you have your Google Drive settings enabled to allow offline access.

Smart Learners: Google Drive Offline

To access our workspace click on the Hapara workspace image. If you are a student you will need to log in to your dashboard, use the yellow button to help you.