Your online profile

SMART LEARNERS: Public and Private Information

Learning Intention

  • Google Doc

  • Table of Contents

  • Word count

Success Criteria

  • Finish your 'about me' draft post

  • Make a copy of the Draft blog post doc and save it to your English folder

  • Copy and paste it to your Google Doc for draft blog posts

Yr9 draft blog posts

Extra for fast finishers

Create your own digital profile

Your 'about me' blog post, helps to introduce visitors to your blog to you and your interests. In this lesson, you'll be drafting out your own 'about me' blog post but first watch the video to learn what's ok to share publicly and what should be kept private.

What do you notice? Are they sharing public or private things about themselves?

After watching the video, what things do you think should be kept private and what's ok to make public?

What will your online profile say about you? What things will you want to keep private and what things are ok to be public?

  1. Watch the video Manage your online reputation

  2. Talk about it with the person next to you or in your group.

Yr 9 about me
  1. Make a copy of the slide deck above by clicking on the Copy button

  2. . Save it to your class folder. Work through the activity 1 to learn what's ok to share online and what should be kept private.

  3. Write a draft blog post about you

SMART LEARNERS: Your online profile and 'About Me' blog post

In this lesson, we'll recap what a positive online profile looks like. Watch the video and then read some of the other students' 'about me' blog posts to help you create your own.

  1. Create an about me blog post draft by using the slides in the blog deck, see activity 2.

  2. Create your own visual profile using Google Draw and infographics to make either an online collage, a google doodle of yourself or a video.

  3. You can choose from any of the image templates below or make your own.

Already have an 'about me' blog post from last year?

You'll need to write a new 'about me' post for this year. You are a year older, in a different class and maybe even in a new school.

Our goals change every year so remember to include information about your learning focus, your hopes and dreams.

Create options

Create an online collage

Create an online image of you, or create a collage that shows all your favourite things, what you're good at and what your goals are.

Explore the site layouts of these well known people to help create your own online web page. Click on the image to find a template you can use.

What you share online stays online so it's a good idea to think about what your profile on the internet looks like. Sharing photos, opinions and your mahi should be a good experience for you, in this section you'll be learning how to create a positive Smart digital footprint.


  • private

  • public

  • passwords

  • personal

  • settings

  • visible

  • information

Create a Google Doodle of yourself

Doodle yourself to pieces

Create a video introducing yourself

You can use Screencastify to create a short video about yourself. You have the option of using only the webcam or you could create a screen recording showing some of your favourite places, musicians and past times. You could also include examples of work you're proud of. Watch the slide deck to see how to use Screencastify.

Once you've made your video it will automatically save in your Google Drive into a folder named Screencastify

Screencastify Tips and Tricks

Animations in Slides

Educating people on what should be private or public using an animation made in Google Slides. Here's how to get started

  1. Plan your animation.

  2. Decide on a theme/characters/speech bubbles to animate

  3. Choose at least 2 public and 2 private things

  4. Create a new slide, name and save to your English folder.

Smart relationships poster

Google Draw template

Create a wordbank or image poster with Google Draw and tables.

  1. Click on the slide to access the template

  2. Save the template to your English folder

  3. Name your drawing

  4. Add, remove or merge cells in the table to create your poster

SS- Smart Footprint: Exploring Blogs

Smart Infographic

Read through the slide deck then make your own Smart Footprint poster that will be suitable for teens and younger students. Use your own personal experience as well as ideas from Abbas's video to think about the message you will create.