How to post

How to write a blog post

Writing a blog post is something that gets better with practice however there are a few guidelines that can help you develop consistency, readability and confidence with writing.    Try to remember to do the following;

Using tags on your blog posts

Tags help you to organise your blog posts.   Use tags that relate to your topic.  For example if you blog post relates to a novel you are studying, use novel as a tag.  Likewise if you are studying metals in Science use metals.  Your teacher will support you with tags that are appropriate for your learning.   Your tags will create a tag cloud on your bog.  

Adding images to your blog post

You can add images to your blog post by using the Upload Media button.  Images can be resized to fill the whole post space or you can choose medium and small.  Take advantage of the largest size to show off your pictures well.  Remember to consider the resolution.  You want a sharp clear image rather than something that is pixelated.  

Watch the video to see how