Understanding copyright



Smart Learners: Reuse and attribute an image

We are learning to search and attribute images we can reuse and remix.

Copyright and image use 

In this lesson, you will learn about copyright.  Not all images on the internet are free to use, in fact, the majority of images have a Creative Commons licence associated with them.  There are 6 different licences which you'll learn about later for now you'll be learning about images in the 'public domain'.  

Watch the Google Image Search video to learn how to attribute an image

Google Image Search

Use an Advanced Search filter called "usage rights" that lets you know when you can use, share, or modify something you find online.

Reuse and Attribute an Image.mov

Use your Google Slide 

Lesson on The Explore Tool 

The Explore Tool 

Using the Explore tool helps you to 'attribute' or reference an image back to the creator.  

Watch the video with your teacher and discuss the key ideas before moving onto the Explore Tool task.  

Create Task 1: 

Finding images with the Explore Tool

Use the Explore tool to search and check usage rights for images used in your documents and presentations.

Make a copy of the Google slide and move it to your Cybersmart folder.

Smart Learner:Explore Tool

Create Task 2: 

Create a MindMap about your favourite music this summer

Smart Learners: Reuse and remixing images