Wellbeing For Study

You will only study at your best if you are physically fit and mentally prepared. Some simple suggestions are below:


Keeping physically active, also benefits your brain. Find a form of exercise that you are happy to do and include it in your daily routine.

Plan Down Time

Organise your day and make sure you allocate time for activities other than study. You will need to be flexible and adapt the plan to fit circumstances each day,, but most of the time you should be able to follow your plan.

Use Breaks Effectively

  • If you have been sitting for a period make sure you move around during the break

  • avoid using screens - a break should not be spent on the phone!

  • make sure you get a drink

Get Outside

Sunlight and fresh air are good for your body, make sure you include time outside the house in your daily routines.

Be Social

Make time to talk to friends and family.

Eat Well

Do NOT overeat or consume lots of junk food, but make sure you eat plenty of nutrious food and drink plenty of water


Your body needs sleep and it likes that sleep to be predictable - keep to a consistent routine.

Ask for Help

There are lots of people you can ask for help: parents, friends, teachers, school counsellor,... do not be afraid to discuss your problems, they all want you to do well.