BISP Study Skills

Everything that you need to know to study effectively


The BISP Study Skills programme aims to support the Upper and Senior School students to continue to improve performance in their IGCSE and IB examinations, enhance self-management skills, concentration and self-discipline as well as improve their study skills and habits.

This programme encourages students to adopt which study methods work best for them once they have had the chance to try them and put them into practice.

The programme also aims to support students’ wellbeing by relieving somewhat the stress of homework so that students can maximize rest time and focus their preparation at the optimum times.

Finally, the BISP study skills programme enables BISP teachers to provide whole year group revision using their subject content combined with the study skills so that the students can revise using the most effective methods for them in a highly practical way.

~ Tim Pearson (Head of Upper School)

Get help for the following topics

Study Habits
Note Taking
Revision Preparation
Revision Strategies
Exam Technique
Wellbeing for Study

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