Study Habits

[Work Station]

[Avoid piles of paper]

  • Short term - Carry what you need, not everything

  • Medium term - Keep current and latest topics close

  • Longer term - Keep everything, in an ordered file

  • Digital - Name documents clearly and make a BACK UP

[Google Classroom]

  • Should exist for every subject

  • Consider organising the classroom based on that used by your teacher

  • Download key documents, keep your own copy


  • Always reduces our performance

  • When temped to multi-task - consider alternatives, such as taking a break

[Good habits]

  • Try to time your study to more productive times (Early morning!)

  • A clear start to work: a mindfulness minute to prepare to study

  • Use SMART targets to create and measure success (short and long term)

  • Do not mix work with relaxation - both are important but not together

  • Make plans and keep to the plan

[Managing Distractions]


  • Any moving image attracts the eye, many videos (all adverts) are designed to get your attention - If you are not watching the video/screen then switch it off.

  • Do not use videos for music unless you have completely turned the screen OFF.

  • Any video in the background will have a negative impact on your performance.

[Distractions - Phones / Messaging apps]

  • If active then they are a major distraction

  • If they are inactive, but accessible they are still a distraction