
Below is an alphabetical list of terms and phrases that were defined throughout this website. Scroll down to find any term's meaning, all the way from Agribusiness to Social Justice!


Corporations that sell chemicals and technologies used in agricultural practices today, such as Del Monte and Deere & Company, that create barriers for individual farmers in the food production industry.


Pressure forced onto immigrants and Indigenous people to conform to westernized society. For example, culture, religion, clothing, and traditions, may be outlawed and people would be forced to go to westernized schools and learn the language.


The acronym which represents the community of people including Black, Indigenous, and People of Color.

Climate Change Hotspots

Undesirable areas where many internationally displaced people end up that are more vulnerable to environmental hazards.

Climate Migration

Also known as the Environmental Migration, this is the mass relocation of people due to climate change and environmental disasters.


Also known as Environmental Feminism, this is the idea that feminist and environmental issues are connected and must be combatted together.

Environmental Justice

The movement to bring equity and sustainability to all groups of people.

Environmental Racism

Explains how communities of color experience more environmental burdens than racially privileged communities.


The movement to end sexist oppression rooted in the patriarchy.

Fertility Rate

The average number of children each woman has in a certain population.

Food Insecurity

The lack of access to food or nutritious diets.

Food Justice

The movement to ensure healthy and nutritious food for all people.

Indigenous Knowledge

Also known as Generational Knowledge, these observations made by Indigenous people are passed down through generations and accumulate to provide an understanding of the history surrounding environment and how it works today.

Indigenous People

Those who have originated from a certain area, especially before a colonization event. Also known as natives.

Industrial Revolution

The period at the end of the 1700s and the beginning of the 1800s where many westernized nations developed new technology such as the steam engine. Since this time, many harmful emissions including carbon dioxide and began to be emitted at high levels and this has signficantly facilitated climate change.


A term used to describe different issues that are connected or overlap. Many times it is used in social justice situations when someone faces discrimination and disadvantages for more than one identity they hold.

Intersectional Environmentalism

An inclusive environmental movement that advocates for people and the planet. This movement focuses on both environmental and social injustices, and works with marginalized communities to combat these issues together.

Marginalized Communities

Populations that face discrimination and disadvantages in society due to their race, gender, sexual orientation, age, economic class, education, disability, culture, citizenship status, or other reason.

Not In My Backyard (NIMBY)

The practice which causes many sources of pollution to be located away from privileged, majority white communities, and closer to marginalized communities. Although this is not always purposely intended by the people in power, it is clear that people of color particularly are disadvantaged by this practice.


A social construct that generally gives men power over women and perpetuates harmful gender roles.

Person of Color (POC)

Someone who is not considered to be white, including Black, Hispanic, Latino, Asian, Pacific Islander, and Indigenous people.

Seed Sovereignty

The movement to end the monopoly of agribusinesses over seeds and government influence of crop, instead farmers want to use the seeds from crops of their previous seasons and exchange with each other.

Social Justice

Social Justice is the movement to dismantle unjust power dynamics between people and end all oppression within society, including racism, sexism, homophobia, and more. Social justice aims to establish equity in all aspects of society, including in healthcare, employment, housing, and more.