
Here is a compilation of books on various different environmental justice topics written by environmental activists from various different backgrounds. Click on any book cover or title to see the book's summary, listings, and reviews on!

Mary Robinson, an Irish politician, shares the stories of activists she has met and discusses the importance of addressing Climate Change.

This book by Harriet A. Washington discusses the Environmental Racism experienced in America.

Biologist Rachel Carson shared the misuse of pesticide DDT by agribusinesses and rose awareness of the environmental and public health consequences of the chemical.

This memoir follows Wangari Maathai's life in Kenya. She recounts experiences with colonialism and environmental degradation, sharing the movement she organized for human rights and democracy!

This book by Robert Bullard describes how African-American communities especially experience Environmental Racism.

A book by Vandana Shiva describing how peasant farmers struggled under the pressures of the Green Revolution in India.

A book by Carl Zimring discusses the racial history of America and how it has influenced environmental injustices today.

This book includes many different essays from environmentalist women and their perspectives on Climate Change.

A book published in 2006 by Eric Holt Giménez about the agroecology movement in Latin America.

This book by Vanessa Nakate's explains how people of color are disproportionately affected by climate change and are dismissed in the movement.

This book about Land Acknowledgments discusses historical and current issues that Indigenous Canadians face, while encouraging education.

This book covers the history of American National Parks. The author discusses the consequences of Indigenous removal and reservations for the growth of wilderness areas.