2023-2024 Theme: Turning Points in History

National History Day (NHD) is a nationwide history project competition. Students who participate work independently or in groups to create a historical research project in one of the following formats: website, exhibit, documentary, performance, or paper. The topic of the project is up to the students doing the research, but must fit within the annual theme and be approved by the NHD Advisors, Ms. Mitola and Mrs. Koepnick. 

NHD is an excellent academic extracurricular activity that allows students to explore an area of interest, work collaboratively with others to put together a highly polished, professional product and show off their historical prowess. At BHS, NHD is run as a club and is not required as a part of any class or program. Every BHS student who participates does so by choice. Topic exploration and project work time typically happen during Pride time in the library with Ms. Mitola or Mrs. Koepnick directing work. ALL BHS STUDENTS ARE WELCOME TO PARTICIPATE.

The NHD regional contest is held at St. Ambrose University in March. Students who advance to the state level will compete in Des Moines in April. From there, students can advance to Nationals, which are held in Washington, DC during the summer. 

More information about this year's NHD program and contest schedules will be shared here once it is available. In the meantime, please feel free to email Ms. Mitola or Mrs. Koepnick with any questions you have.

Molly Mitola, Teacher-Librarian


Maddie Koepnick, Social Studies Teacher
