Newsletter 3

We hope this finds you and your family well. As we continue to navigate through this unprecedented time together, the Bethpage Social Work Department will continue to provide you with additional resources to support you and your loved ones by sharing a newsletter we've created with some useful information. We are eager to maintain and add to our Department's website as well, and encourage you to check it frequently as we are always updating it. As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns that we can help you with!


Mindfulness can play a key role in how we react to situations. Focusing on what we can control can decrease our anxiety, stress, and so much more. Check out this sample image below and see how you can relate.

As parents, there are times our children drive us crazy! In this time of rapid change and, for most of us, some kind of confinement at home, this can be especially true. Getting through the day can become tense, and we can be unsure about how to discipline our children.

Join us for this free web-based meeting with Randy Sprick. Randy is a parent (and yes, sometimes his children drive him crazy), a grandparent, and a world leader in effective behavior management. His presentation will cover things you can do to help your children learn to behave better and become more independent and responsible.

Click the button below to access the presentation.


In an effort to provide improved access to digital resources, certain Nassau public libraries have enabled the following digital card application. Upon approval, these cards will last until June 30th. Please note that this card is for digital services only, and cannot be used to borrow physical materials from any of our member libraries, or place requests for physical items from any library.

Please click the image below to access the application.

As we continue to worry about the physical health of all whom are sick, have been exposed to, and have been caring for those with COVID-19, we must also be aware of the tremendous impact that this pandemic is having on our mental health, too. This virus has been a trigger for many mental health issues, some of which are shown below. Although we may not be together physically to support one another, please know that there are so many resources available to you and your loved ones to access; reach out for help if you need it!

Remember, we are in this together and are here to help. Please feel free to email us with any questions or if you need assistance with any of the links above or if you have any other questions.

Stay Healthy and Safe.

BUFSD Social Work Department

Barbara Marcucci, Christine Kennedy, and Sarah Glassman