
For our Thoughtful Thursday this month each class created a donation box for their used crayons and made signs and posters to hang around the building to let all students and faculty members know the collection week.  CBS is collecting crayons from June 3, 2019-June 14, 2019.  Please feel free to donate to this cause and drop your crayons off at CBS!

The CRAYON Initiative:

Who We Are

More than a half-million pounds of crayons are discarded every year, turning into a waxy sludge that clogs our landfills and never biodegrades.

The Crayon Initiative collects donated crayons from restaurants, schools and homes across the country, then melts them down and remanufactures them, reducing waste.

Better yet, the recycled crayons are distributed to art programs at children’s hospitals across the U.S., brightening the lives of young patients during their stay.


Below are some picture from our Thoughtful Thursday.  Mrs. Glassman and her SADD Club students joined Mrs. Tierney's class to help make signs and build their collection boxes.