Student Voice Toolkit

“[Student] voice is about passing the microphone rather than ‘giving’ or ‘taking away’” -Dr. Clyde Barnett 

What is Student Voice?

Student voice is an active and intentional engagement of young people as partners to inform and/or design youth experiences, including education. While there are many ways to incorporate student voice, aligned approaches focus on engaging students in the  decisions that will impact them. 

How to use this site

This site is designed to be used as a guide for educators, leaders, and those interested in increasing the use of Youth Voice and Student Voice in their schools and organizations. It is a guide, a toolkit, and a resource. 

Who is this for? 

This toolkit is for anyone who has an investment in young people and is interested in influencing the many systems and structures that impact youth lives (students, caregivers, teachers, administrators, educational staff, community partners, and more). The research, resources, and approaches included in this site are intended to provide educational stakeholders - especially those in the K-12 setting - the theoretical and practical frameworks to engage youth in meaningful and impactful ways. 


If you are interested in reading and exploring the content on this site in a Google Document, please view that HERE