
Borrowed From CNR Website:

Basic Needs Center - UC Berkeley:

Food Resources:

Dining Halls

Berkeley International Office:

Career Center Resources:

Health & Well-being:

Counseling & Psychological Services:

Stay Well Together

PATH to Care Center:

Anti-Racism Resources:

Financial Aid & Scholarships Office:


Night Safety:

 or call 510-642-9255 (2-WALK) TO MAKE YOUR REQUEST!

Technology Resources:

Laptop and WIFI Hotspot Lending Program

Student Tech Equity Program (STEP)

Applications are now being accepted for the Student Tech Equity Program, which provides laptops, Wi-Fi hotspots, and other required technology to students in need. Undergraduate and graduate students are invited to apply here

Library Services

Zoom Pro Accounts for Students

Student Tech Support

Technology Discounts and Financial Aid Adjustments


Undocumented Student Program Services :

A-Z Student Resources