About Student-Athlete Led Organizations

Cal Student-Athlete Led Organizatios (SALO's) are by and for Cal Student-Athletes - designed to meet a student-defined need, build community and belonging across interests and identities, and provide opportunities for leadership development, connection, and contribution within and beyond Cal Athletics. There are currently 7 active Cal SALO's and they are open to ALL Cal Student Athletes. Steps to getting involved…

SALO's must renew annually. Registered SALO's receive organizational and financial support from The Cameron Institute.  For information about how to renew, or start, a Student-Athlete Led Organization, contact: cameroninstitute@berkeley.edu

For more detailed information and a list of criteria for how to set up your own SALO please click HERE

Student-Athlete Led Organization Resources 

To access the SALO resource folder, click here

To request support with an event, food purchasing, or apply for extra funding fill, out the SALO support request form here. Once your request is processed, Jessie or Tayler will be in contact with you directly. 


Find the most up-to-date information on Student-Athlete Led Organization meetings and other service opportunities , bookmark this calendar

Athletes in Medicine (AIM)

Provides a community for Student-Athletes who are interested in a future of helping people through healthcare by assisting them with resources to help aid their journey. AIM s is working to foster a flexible and accessible environment that allows Cal Student-Athletes to be exceedingly prepared for their careers in medicine!

IG: @cal.aim

Webpage: www.calathletesinmed.org

Bears United (BU)

Champions acceptance, diversity, and inclusion for all people, especially as it pertains to sexual orientation, and other protected classifications; identifies and partners with community organizations that are pro-LGBTQIA+ acceptance and quality; and develops a safe environment for LGBTQIA+ student-athletes and non-athlete students to build community.

IG:  @cal_bears_united

Black Student-Athlete Community (BSAC)

BSAC is dedicated to enhancing the collegiate experience of both incoming and returning Black student-athletes through the creation of a welcoming family environment. It will be a place where Black culture can be appreciated and celebrated. We as athletes, but more specifically as Black athletes, wield significant influence in our community. Therefore, we have a duty and an unprecedented opportunity to bring awareness to and make a difference within the Black community


Cal Sports Marketing Club (CSMC)

Cal Sports Marketing strives to provide invaluable opportunities preparing for, and interacting with, the professional field of marketing across our campus, nation, and world. Through our available alumni and officer board, we look to expand our educational opportunities into partnerships, projects, and networks with leading business figures and organizations in order to better establish our student-athletes into the professional marketing world.

IG: @Calsportsmarketing

Cal Athletes in Tech Organization (CATO)

Cal Athletes in Tech Organization (CATO) aims to unite Cal student-athletes with a shared interest in technology. Their mission is to educate members on the diverse set of roles, companies, and career opportunities in tech, enabling them to pursue goals best suited for their strengths and interests. CATO is dedicated to empowering student-athletes with the community and support they need to maximize their academic and athletic experiences while setting strong foundations of success for their future careers in tech.

IG: @calathletesintech

Golden Girls (GG)

Unites the female student-athlete community at Cal through various events and meetings, and aims to provide a place for female student-athletes to feel comfortable and safe amongst other women with whom they share a plethora of similarities.

IG: @cal_goldengirls

Student-Athlete Business Network (SABN)

Provide the student-athlete community with the tools they need to thrive and be successful in their future. SABN strongly believes in increasing professional development awareness. We also strongly believe in increasing awareness among student athletes about professional development, and reducing the stigma that it is strictly for individuals who want to go into business careers. SABN strives to help student-athletes of all backgrounds pursue their interests, passions, and goals.

IG: @cal_sabn

Student-Athletes For The Environment (SAFE) 

SAFE creates a community for student-athletes passionate about the environment, conservation, and sustainability. SAFE strives to spread awareness about environmental issues, provide volunteer opportunities to improve Cal, the East Bay community, and help launch careers in the environmental realm. 

IG: @calsafe

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