
Scholarships are an excellent way to help pay for college! You don't have to pay them back and all it takes is a little extra work on your part.

There are scholarships available on a National level (available to ALL high school seniors in the US, as well on a Local level (available to seniors at BHS or Solano County).

National Scholarships through Going Merry

Going Merry makes the application process much easier. Just create a FREE account and it automatically matches you with scholarships you qualify for.

Local Scholarships

Local Scholarships start around February/March of your Senior year and are posted as assignments in your Counseling Google Classroom. Both Mrs. Marwick and Ms. Gladi run the scholarship program, so email either of them for more information.

Scholarship winners are announced at Senior Awards Night in May.

Other great places to look for scholarships include the company where your parent/guardian(s) work, their union if they belong to one, and GI Bill if they served in the Military.

Just remember, you shouldn't have to pay to apply for a scholarship. If you come across one that requires payment, it's a scam!