Tyler Flechtner

IFCPP Communication Log

May 11, 2022

Ms. Stone, Professor Schmidt

JAGS Pillar: Communicate ideas effectively with diverse audiences, bridging geographic, linguistic, ideological, and cultural barriers.


February 7- April 12 2022: The Dark Ages

We had no communication whatsoever within this time. This was a time of unrest within the JAGS community. Nobody wanted to do the IFCPP work, and so we didn't. Of course, Prof. Schmidt and Mr. Knopick knew that we were not doing the work, so he came into our class and had a talk with all of us.  


This slide on my communication log perfectly sums up what all of us were and probably still are thinking. There were lots of issues within the IFCPP. Every student of JAGS has seen this and we all have experienced issues of our own with this. Some of these issues took us over the ledge, more than once. Limited communication and CCP issues made me try to think of ways to get out of doing work for IFCPP at all. At one point I even thought about dropping JAGS. Luckily, things cooled down, and we hopefully resolved all issues. 

This pillar of JAGS in my opinion is the most important. Communicating ideas is what sets the other pillars into motion, and by abandoning the first pillar, we collapsed the whole building. “A House divided against itself can not stand” - Abraham Lincoln. Because we communicated ideas, we were able to come up with a solution to our problems.