Tyler Flechtner: JAGS Class of 2023

"an investment in knowledge always pays the best interest." 

-Benjamin Franklin

About Me

My name is Tyler Flechtner. I am a senior at Jackson High School. I have been a part of the Jackson Academy for Global Studies (JAGS) since my freshman year. I play the trumpet in the Jackson Band and am an Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America. (BSA) I have traveled across the country, from as far west as the Rocky Mountains of New Mexico, as far east as Washington, D.C., as far north as Niagara Falls, and as far south as Orlando, Florida.  With JAGS, I have gone to the Heifer Global Village in Sharpsburg, Maryland, and I have been to Italy during spring break of 2023. 

My JAGS Experience

While my JAGS experiences will be described in more detail in each section of my portfolio, I want to take this time to briefly describe what JAGS has done for me. As a freshman, I was able to experience my first GO Night. In a group, we researched different countries, and how they related to each other, as well as their differences too.  As a sophomore, I was just trying to get through the devastating disease known as COVID-19. Almost everything was canceled or shut down, and it made for a year of survival. My sophomore year was also my first year with JAGS Summit Night. For my sophomore summit night project,  I worked with a group of my peers to create a documentary about global perspectives on taxes. My junior year introduced new ideas, and projects. Our main project was a global communication research project. The International Friends Conversation Partner Program (IFCPP) was hosted by Kent State University (KSU) and had the goal of connecting globally-minded students from all around the world. And finally my senior year! Everything has basically gone back to normal, and I am currently finishing up my Senior Capstone. 

I have completed over 60 hours of community service for JAGS, and I have learned many things I would have never cared about if I did not join JAGS.

IIII The Four Pillars Of JAGS IIII

Investigate The World

Recognize Perspectives

Take Action

Communicate Ideas