Year Two

Rochester & Upnor Class

Year 2 have enjoyed producing creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences whilst becoming proficient in drawing and painting. We have learnt about some great artists and their place within historical and cultural development. 

The children have worked hard to develop controlled sketching skills, develop accuracy in lines by refining and following basic contours and outlines. They then applied these skills to various pieces of artwork resulting in a fantastic array of good quality pieces.  

We have learnt about primary and secondary colours and how to mix colours together to create different tones and depths.

Real life observation

Year 2 enjoyed using the natural environment to represent some features found within the water cycle.

We understand the importance of observational skills and developing them to produce detailed drawings.


We have worked hard to develop our accuracy skills.

We applied our knowledge of water cycles to create a piece of artwork, thinking carefully about our use of colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space.