Year One

Milton Chantry & Maison Dieu Class

It has been a great module for Art in Year 1, as we have looked at developing our painting skills and thought about the effects created by using different types of paint and brushes to create texture and detail. 

This was our work at the beginning of the module, testing the texture and effect created by different paints and then looking at mixing our own colours to make sunflowers. 

We looked at Vincent Van Gogh's famous painting of sunflowers and we chose the type of paint that we thought would be best to re-create it with.

Our first attempts needed a bit of refining as we didn't mix the colours vary carefully, or look very carefully at the orignial picture. There were a lot of extra stems! We conferenced with our teachers and evaluated our work and then we had another go.

Our second attemts looked more like the orginal! We refined our colour mixing and we chose poster paints for the flowers and watercolours for the background.

We also noticed that they didn't all have stalks and we painted what we could see with greater accuracy. 

We have also looked at what it means to be imaginative as part of our Inquiry this Module.

We have looked at different fairy tales and looked at how they can be represented through music, drama, dance, story telling and art.

We designed our own fairy take worlds and made them in shoe boxes! We chose how we wanted to make them, with some people painting their backdrop and others using collage. We created our own characters and found all sorts of different materials that we used creatively!