Temple Manor Class

We are thrilled to share the remarkable artistic journey our Year 3 students embarked on this academic year. Their boundless creativity and artistic prowess have been on full display, as they explored a wide range of artistic techniques and styles. From experimenting with tone, texture, and patterns to delving into the works of influential artists, this year has been an extraordinary adventure in the world of art!

Tone, texture, and patterns formed the foundation of our students' artistic exploration. Year 3 artists fearlessly dabbled with different shades and tones, bringing life and depth to their artwork. They discovered the importance of texture and how it can convey emotions and tell stories through their art. Patterns were explored, allowing our students to experiment with repetition and rhythm, adding a mesmerising touch to their creations.

One of the highlights of the year was the captivating study of portraits and shading. Our budding artists learned the art of capturing the essence of a person's character. They skillfully observed light and shadow, masterfully using shading techniques to add depth and realism to their portraits.

Inspired by the iconic pop art movement, Year 3 students immersed themselves in the vibrant world of Andy Warhol. They explored the bold and eye-catching style that defined this art movement, creating their own pop art masterpieces that reflected their unique personalities and interests. Their sketchbooks burst with vivid colors and unmistakable energy!

Another remarkable milestone was the study of perspective drawing and writing. Our students discovered the power of perspective in creating the illusion of depth and distance. With precision and creativity, they brought their two-dimensional artwork to life, infusing it with depth and dimension. Furthermore, they combined their newfound skills with writing, giving their 2D names depth and perspective. 

Traveling back in time, our Year 3 artists embarked on an awe-inspiring journey to explore Stone Age cave art. They marveled at the ancient rock paintings, learning about their historical significance and the stories they conveyed. Drawing inspiration from the Stone Age artists, our students created their own cave art masterpieces, connecting with our ancestors and expressing their creativity through ancient techniques.

The fascinating exploration of color mixing became an essential part of our students' art education. They discovered the magical world of pigments, learning how to blend primary colors to create secondary and tertiary shades. The classroom transformed into a palette of hues as our young artists skillfully mixed and matched colors, giving life to their imaginations.

In the footsteps of the renowned artist L.S. Lowry, our Year 3 artists embraced the charm of cityscapes and industrial scenes. They explored the unique style that made Lowry famous, with his stick-figure-like characters and bustling urban landscapes. Our students captured the essence of Lowry's work, creating their own art in his distinctive style, immortalizing moments in time that reflected their surroundings and experiences.